What's Up? I now live in NDG.

So, I haven't blogged for... too long. Of course, a few things have changed since then. Starting with where I work (🤷‍♀️), and where I live (🤦‍♀️). 

What's good is: I still ride my bike to the office whenever I can. I also finally changed my 42-cm handle bar for a 38-cm one (👏). And as of today, I finally raised my seat post (👏) -- actually, my BF did it for me (😊). Anyway. Those two fixes were recommended to me, like, 5 years ago (🤦‍♀️) when I had André, from La Cordée, do my bike fit (🙏) -- he's one of the best. For the record, and those who know, I kept my vintage badass leather bar tape (🤘). 

Yep! Commuting from NDG to Petite-Patrie (😍) everyday, a week on two, since very recently (🤣). TBH, I'm not in shape yet to ride through Westmount and over the mountain on my way to work. That's a no-brainer (🙄). I push it a little on Côte-Sainte-Catherine on my way back from work. A little. Safety first. That's about it (🤷‍♀️). 

Speaking of cycling, bike paths where I now live are shitty. Even Bran, my BF, agrees (😳). Him and I are both are fantasizing on getting gravel bikes (😊). Oooh, THAT would make rides in the streets of Hampstead fun. Kick the cars out, and we're all set up for a bumpy route (✌️).

But hey, truth is: I don't ride my bike as much as I used to anymore (😕). I'm even considering new activities (🫣). Such as -- I never thought I'd say this -- swimming (😯). Pools here are kind of great. I'm also thinking that swimming would be easier on my old hurt joints (👨‍🦳), wouldn't it?  

Let's do what old people do well: looking back on their past life. Shall we? Today, I reached a milestone: Brandon and I got a trampoline as an end-of-the-school-year gift for the kids (🥳). Needless to say that I'm excited (🙃). 

For those of you who don't know know what kind of crazy I can be, let me sum it up real quick. Ahem, 3 years after getting a simple backyard trampoline, I started teaching that sport to gymnasts (😬). It's what some people would call... a great Tinder match. Anyway. I'm looking forward to the end of classes. Like the kids (😆). 

So, yeah. My sit-on-top kayak, bike, climbing shoes, winter/3-season running shoes, freeride snowboard, classic crosss-country skis, and ice skates now live in NDG alongside with my boyfriend's bikes, cross-country skate skis, hockey skates, winter/3-season running shoes, and downhill skiing skis. The kids have added skateboarding (🫶), basketball, gymnastics, and a little soccer to the already multisport cocktail mix (❤️). 

I love it (😇). And I sometimes hate to love it. A person with childhood-rooted commitment issues never changes much (😉). 

How have you guys been doing? 


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